by helisepping | Sep 6, 2018 | Valsts pārvalde un aizsardzība, Vides pakalpojumi
Pārskats Fleet Complete pakalpojumu pārsvarā lieto dažādi četrriteņu transportlīdzekļi, bet pakalpojums ir piemērots arī citām ar motoru darbināmām mašīnām. Piemēram, 265 ūdens transportlīdzekļi, kuri oficiāli nodarbojas ar zveju Peipusa ezerā, tika aprīkoti ar...
by Robert Holm | Jul 5, 2018 | Valsts pārvalde un aizsardzība
Challenge Edgewood is responsible for 45 school buses, 9 police cruisers and a number of vans and Chevy Suburban vehicles. Without a fleet management system in place, they lacked visibility over the real-time location of their vehicles. “We have a 24-hour police...
by Robert Holm | Jul 5, 2018 | Valsts pārvalde un aizsardzība
Background The Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services (MCSS) is tasked with the responsibility of licensing and inspecting all daycare facilities throughout the province. MCSS information technology staff needed a more efficient solution for its licensing...
by Robert Holm | Jul 5, 2018 | Valsts pārvalde un aizsardzība
City of Tongeren “In need of correct information” The City of Tongeren recently equipped all of its 49 service vehicles (cars, buses and trucks) with Fleet Complete’s Fleet Tracker solution. “This way, it is possible to view the position and status of each vehicle at...