One image worth a thousand words. A reliable video solution for your fleet safety and driver coaching.
See what really happened
Keeping your drivers and cargo safe, as well as mitigating risks on the road, are top priority for fleet owners. Crashes, collisions, repairs and severe injuries can cost your business tens of thousands of dollars per incident.
Fleet Complete Vision will equip you with a pair of eyes in the work field to document what actually happens, while helping coach drivers en route with an in-cab voice assistance.
Limitless options
We adapt to your preferences! Use your own mobile device, and the Vision app will guide you through the recording process. Opt for a dedicated mounted camera, and it will automate the entire process for you, synchronizing with the Vision app automatically.

Modules & Features
Not-at-fault claims
What if your driver is not at fault but cannot prove it? Video event capture in Fleet Complete Vision provides a potential line of defence in a litigation.
Risk management
With advanced visual analytics, your drivers are able to make better decisions on the road. The ADAS voice coaching helps manage adverse driving behaviours, such as Traffic Speed Violation, Rolling Stops, Harsh Braking, Tailgating, Lane Departure and Harsh Acceleration.
Cost-effective solution for any fleet
While premium options are available, you have the option to use personal smartphone devices or a dedicated windshield-mounted camera. All you need is to download the mobile application to start using Fleet Complete Vision.
Reduce your insurance and liability costs
Hazardous driving behaviour can increase your insurance and liability costs. Empowering your mobile crew with a system that will help ensure a safer environment for your fleet will allow you to take strides towards accident-free operations.
Run a more profitable business
Your clients look for a service that is safe and runs like a well-oiled machine. Fleet Complete Vision will give you the visibility you need to nurture better customer relations, give your business better credibility, and increase fleet uptime to improve profitability.
Coach your fleet drivers to be the best
Give your drivers an extra pair of eyes on the road and an in-cab coaching system that will help improve their on-road behaviour. They can replay their infractions, big and small, after each trip in the mobile app and see improvements as they progress. Give yourself and your drivers all the tools in the toolbox!
Solution Components
The solution integrates seamlessly with the Fleet Complete platform as an add-on to your regular vehicle tracking. This will furnish your fleet managers with a comprehensive view of all in-field operations, where they can detect and review events as they happened.

Want to learn more?
“Our immediate ROI with Fleet Complete has been huge. In the past, we may not have even found vehicles for months which would have cost us around $160,000 to replace.”
– Terence Schofield, Safety Officer

„Programmatūras risinājums, kas ļauj mums piedāvāt saviem klientiem labāku pakalpojumu"
Gajs Broderiks (Guy Broderick) – APPS Transport
Personāla atlases speciālists un autovadītāju instruktors

„Yummy Catering ir mūsdienīgs uzņēmums, tātad vēlamies, lai mūsu partneri arī būtu novatoriski. Vienmēr izmēģinām jaunas tehnoloģijas un tendences, kas palīdz mums būt efektīvākiem. Fleet Complete ļauj mums piedāvāt autovadītājiem inovatīvus risinājumus ikdienas darba uzdevumu veikšanai.“
Leno Kardoso (Leno Cardoso) – Yummy Catering

„B&P pieder 200 transportlīdzekļu liels autoparks un mums ir vairāk nekā 400 izsekojamas ierīces. Mums bija grūti uzraudzīt visas ierīces.”
Džeimss Hintons (James Hinton) – B&P
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