Create greater efficiency in your vehicle inspection process! Inspect by Fleet Complete is a stand-alone mobile application that can be used by itself as a tool to uphold vehicle safety standards for your business, or act as a compliment to your ELD solution for more accurate and detailed reporting.
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Quick and easy DVIR inspection
Inspect by Fleet Complete is specifically designed to make the vehicle inspection protocol faster and more accurate for drivers who need to be on the road daily.
Mechanic Portal
Easily manage your vehicle maintenance and repairs online. After drivers complete their routine minor/major defect logs, they become accessible on the Mechanic Portal.
Supported devices
Inspect by Fleet Complete can be easily downloaded from the Apple or GooglePlay stores. It runs on both Android and Apple smartphones and tablets, and is available in English, French, and Spanish.
ELD compliance
The Inspect application acts as a great complement to the Fleet Complete ELD solution for pre- and post-trip reports. It is fully integrated with the Fleet Complete Web platform and complies with the standard U.S and Canadian rules.
Logs made easy
The Inspect app has a very uncomplicated, cascading logic, allowing drivers to log minor and major defects with comments against a chosen ELD rule, or mark them as not applicable.
Direct sign-off
Drivers are able to sign off on the report straight in the app.
Full integration
Drivers are able to select any asset available in Fleet Complete Web portal or Desktop through the mobile app.
Want to learn more?
“Our immediate ROI with Fleet Complete has been huge. In the past, we may not have even found vehicles for months which would have cost us around $160,000 to replace.”
– Terence Schofield, Safety Officer
„Programmatūras risinājums, kas ļauj mums piedāvāt saviem klientiem labāku pakalpojumu"
Gajs Broderiks (Guy Broderick) – APPS Transport
Personāla atlases speciālists un autovadītāju instruktors
„Yummy Catering ir mūsdienīgs uzņēmums, tātad vēlamies, lai mūsu partneri arī būtu novatoriski. Vienmēr izmēģinām jaunas tehnoloģijas un tendences, kas palīdz mums būt efektīvākiem. Fleet Complete ļauj mums piedāvāt autovadītājiem inovatīvus risinājumus ikdienas darba uzdevumu veikšanai.“
Leno Kardoso (Leno Cardoso) – Yummy Catering
„B&P pieder 200 transportlīdzekļu liels autoparks un mums ir vairāk nekā 400 izsekojamas ierīces. Mums bija grūti uzraudzīt visas ierīces.”
Džeimss Hintons (James Hinton) – B&P
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Palīdzēsim jums ar inovatīviem risinājumiem, lai jūs varētu efektīvāk vadīt autoparku, mašīnas un mobilo komandu.