Design, deploy and manage code-free mobile fillable forms and applications suited to your workflow at a fraction of the cost of in-house solutions. With FieldWorker, you can save significant capital upfront and accelerate your return-on-investment.

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Modules & Features

Gateway to your data

All data within FieldWorker is accessible through Portal – a comprehensive tool to dispatch, review and report on your data. Define your own framework to ensure the right data gets to the right person at the right time.

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Forms - where and when you want them

Work in On- or Off-line modes, as all the data is stored locally in a secure database and is synchronized to the server whenever a connection is available.

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Development applications virtually and code-free, using our Designer tool. FieldWorker enables businesses to develop mobile apps tailored to their workflow in a fraction of the time it takes for custom code or code-based tools.

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Custom solutions

Our configurable framework is able to implement complex solutions. On top of the business logic customization available in Designer, we also provide web modules that are suited to your specific needs.

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Back-end integration

Flexibility to integrate into any open-ended back end system. FieldWorker provides a simple XML-based API, so that data can be handled through an easy and widely accepted format.

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“Our immediate ROI with Fleet Complete has been huge. In the past, we may not have even found vehicles for months which would have cost us around $160,000 to replace.”
– Terence Schofield, Safety Officer


Programmatūras risinājums, kas ļauj mums piedāvāt saviem klientiem labāku pakalpojumu" 

Gajs Broderiks (Guy Broderick)APPS Transport
Personāla atlases speciālists un autovadītāju instruktors


„Yummy Catering ir mūsdienīgs uzņēmums, tātad vēlamies, lai mūsu partneri arī būtu novatoriski. Vienmēr izmēģinām jaunas tehnoloģijas un tendences, kas palīdz mums būt efektīvākiem. Fleet Complete ļauj mums piedāvāt autovadītājiem inovatīvus risinājumus ikdienas darba uzdevumu veikšanai.“

Leno Kardoso (Leno Cardoso)Yummy Catering

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„B&P pieder 200 transportlīdzekļu liels autoparks un mums ir vairāk nekā 400 izsekojamas ierīces. Mums bija grūti uzraudzīt visas ierīces.”

Džeimss Hintons (James Hinton) – B&P
Veselības un drošības jomas vadītājs


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Palīdzēsim jums ar inovatīviem risinājumiem, lai jūs varētu efektīvāk vadīt autoparku, mašīnas un mobilo komandu.